Warren Buffet’s and Marc Andreesen’s Misplaced Trust
I had a fascinating twitter exchange with Marc Andreesen last week that caused me to think hard about Bitcoin as a proxy for trust. Marc, th
Warren Buffet’s and Marc Andreesen’s Misplaced Trust
Michael A. Eisenberg
April 2, 2014
I had a fascinating twitter exchange with Marc Andreesen last week that caused me to think hard about Bitcoin as a proxy for trust. Marc, the tech titan in the red corner, has been engaged in a reporter’s dream match, virtually jabbing back and forth with Warren Buffet, he of value investing fame, about the value of Bitcoin. Buffet thinks that the thought of Bitcoin having intrinsic value is “a joke” and Marc thinks that Bitcoin is the second coming of Jesus, or at least TCP/IP. Ironically, I actually think they agree on a core principle that “trust” is the foundation of any currency. They simply disagree on who, or what, we should trust. I, respectfully, disagree with both.
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